Friday 20 September 2013

Kicking back in Boquete

There is a bird in my bedroom. Probably something most men would be elated to discover, but for me it comes as a slightly puzzling surprise. Sneaky little critter, I only noticed him/her when (lets call it a she) she let out a chattering squak from under my bed. I was half expecting to find one of the local kids down there playing a practical joke but no, there stood a little red headed, black and white speckled little bird. I'm guessing she doesn't think much of the weather either and has come in for a bit of R&R. There's probably a feast of foodcrumbs under my bed as the little two year old of the house, Hosue, has been galavanting around my room, cookies in hand.

It'll be no surprise to those of you following my travels that it is raining once more. I've decided though that this must not dampen my efforts to explore .. as the spanish say (at least according to Luis) "no está hechas de azucár" which literally translated means something along the lines of "you are not made of sugar" but I'm assuming it relates to me not dissolving in the rain.. 

So I've left the little bird to fatten itself upon my cookie crumbs and have ventured out to Bamboo Spa for an hours massage. Not exactly mega exploring I hear you cry, but I like to think of it as exploring the holistic and soothing side of the valley. After all I will be hiking up Volcán Baru a 3500m volcano tomorrow starting at midnight.. 

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