Monday 7 October 2013

A few Baya Azul multi-day pics

Early morning coffee with a Cayuco silently being paddled in the background:

The organised chaos of clinic:

Everyone is really keen to have their pictures taken! Especially as they can see the results:

Explaining treatment of a sick child to his sixteen year old mother. In Spanish. In fourty degree heat. I would be sitting down but we don't have enough chairs:

The result of us having previously visited this community? Being able to review X-rays that we had previously organised to look for TB when they have chronic lung complaints. It's a four hour round trip in a motorboat to get to the hospital, and costs far too much for these people to imagine paying for themselves. Fortunately for this guy his xray looks pretty good:

We are our own pharmacists, creating robust treatment regimens from what we have in the bags. We often run short of drugs and have to be creative (yet safe and effective) to be able to adequately treat te diseases we find:

Lunchtime! (note the rice and beans.. I wasn't kidding about the sweetcorn being my saviour)

Diedre having a well deserved shower at the end of a hard day:

The sight of our hammocks looking more and more inviting as the sun goes down:

The view from sitting in my hammock:

And the reward for hiking at dawn to watch the sunrise over the village:

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you started your blog!! Can't wait to go back to Panama!
